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"We have a little sister, and she hath no breast: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?" 

Song of Solomon 8:8.


The word 'vision' has several meanings, such as, "seeing as God sees", "a prophetic word", "an 

apparition", or, "dream", or, "redemptive revelation".


The above word has been a prophetic word to 

us to take us to nearly 40 nations.


We believe that our little sister is the part of Jesus' church all over the world who cannot feed or 

take care of her young, nor can she feed or take care of herself. The breast is what gives milk, the 

substance that normally sustains the life of a child, an infant. 

Here the Bible says there are people within the church who are our brothers and sisters in the Lord, and they have no milk of the word, no life sustaining power, to give their young, or,  themselves. They also have no natural help.


As God speaks for our sister in certain nations, we go to help her by carrying the presence of God, His 

living word, natural food, Bibles, clothes, medicines and personal hygienic items to her.


We believe this is what Jesus would do and what He wants us, as the older sisters and brothers in the Lord, to do because God is asking for her and she must be prepared for Him. So then the older brothers and sisters in the Lord are responsible to see  that she is cared for so that she will be ready to meet Jesus when he asks for her.

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